New Teen Titans

The New Teen Titans began in 1980, revitalizing previous attempts at a franchise that dates to the 60s. The Marv Wolfman/George Pérez run of Titans, however, was an unequivocal triumph. This series of threads examines why.

What’s it all about?

The Teen Titans are a group of teenage (or in some cases young adult) superheroes. Some original or recurring members, like Robin (later Nightwing), are or were the “teen sidekicks” of adult superheroes. Ideally, the franchise provides point-of-view characters within a genre otherwise dominated by adults. But it struggled to find an audience and voice until writer Marv Wolfman and artist George Pérez relaunched it in 1980 at the New Teen Titans. Wolfman/Pérez’s run on the series has since become legendary among superhero fans. This series of threads examines its complex and enduring appeal.

An Introduction to New Teen Titans

The New New Titans began in 1980, revitalizing previous attempts at a Teen Titans franchise that traced back all the way to the 1960s, with mixed results. The Wolfman-Pérez run of Titans, however, was an unequivocal triumph, both financially and creatively. 1/9

You can also jump ahead to specific threads. Here’s a full list of topics:

An Introduction to New Teen Titans

New Teen Titans vs The Dark Phoenix Saga

New Teen Titans and Pacifism

Queering Dick Grayson

Nightwing and Masculinity

George Pérez and the Classical Narrative Style

Cyborg and Intersectionality

Cyborg and Double-Consciousness

Deathstroke as Groundbreaking Villain

Christopher Priest’s Deathstroke

New Teen Titans as Found Family

Bruce & Dick & Character Building in Titans #50

Female Agency in “The Judas Contract”