Jeff Smith’s “Bone”

A series of threads on Jeff Smith’s popular, award-winning comics series “Bone,” discussing form, storytelling, and ways the comic has influenced the publishing industry.

An Introduction to Jeff Smith’s “Bone”

Bone is an American comic book series written, drawn & (usually) published by Jeff Smith, with later coloring provided by Steve Hamaker. The series has won an astounding 10 Eisner Awards and holds a unique place in the hearts of many early-age comics readers. #ComicsStudies 1/9

You can also jump ahead to specific threads. Here’s a full list of topics:

An Introduction to Jeff Smith’s “Bone”

Juxtaposing Childhood and Adulthood in Jeff Smith’s “Bone”

Jeff Smith’s “Bone” and the Value of Childhood Comics Readership

Graphic High Fantasy in Jeff Smith’s “Bone”

Jeff Smith’s “Bone” and Comics Publishing