Shape-Changers in Comics

Including: Ms. Marvel, Nimona, Mr. Fantastic, Meggan, Martian Manhunter, and Elasti-Girl

What’s it all about?

For our second round of threads, we focused on comics characters who can change their shape. This includes shape-shifters, tricksters, and characters with the ability to stretch and bend their bodies. In comics, anything that can be drawn can be believed. That makes them well-suited to fantastic physical transformations – and plenty of symbolism related to bodies and identity!

The Polymorphic Powers of Ms. Marvel

The polymorphic powers of Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan are both a fluid and precise metaphor. The character’s 2014 debut by G. Willow Wilson & Adrian Alphona uses polymorphism to subvert tropes and tell a complex, identifiable story about intersectional identity. 1/12

You can also jump ahead to specific threads. Here’s a full list of topics:

The Polymorphic Powers of Ms. Marvel

Shapeshifting in “Nimona”

The Cold War Fluidity of Mr. Fantastic

Meggan, Shapeshifting & Female Beauty Standards

Martian Manhunter, Gender & Sexuality

The Power of Elasti-Girl